Sophie Akhibi
About Me:
- Age: 23 years
- Study Program: International Business and Social Sciences (Bachelor degree)
- Languages: German (native), English (C1), Spanish (B1)
My interests:
- Volleyball
- Traveling
- Languages
My motivation:
I´m doing a dual study program which includes an employment in the banking sector. I really like it but sometimes I wish I could do something more tangible and to contribute in an end to end production. Furthermore, I want to participate in a project which is future oriented and deals with the challenges of today, especially in regard to sustainable usage of resources. I´m really excited and looking forward to be part of this international and interdisciplinary project.
My expectations
I think one of the major chance and as well the major challenge is the internationality of this project. I hope communication will remain as good as it is already. Due to my study program my knowledge in subjects like biology or engineering is limited. I hope we will have the possibility to learn and to apply the knowledge which is needed to be successful in the project.
Weekly assignment
Week 3 l Circular Open Source Fashion
Week 4 l BioFabricating Dyes & Materials
Week 5 l E-Textiles & Wearables
Week 6 l Computational Couture
Week 8 l Open source hardware: from fibers to fabrics
Week 9 l E-Textiles and Wearables II